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  • vocabulary book

    Glossary of terms used in the adult.

    AVS (AVS) — a system age verification visits.

    AgeChek (AgeCheck) — site that provides AVS-service, a good sponsor.

    Adult (Adult) — attachment to the words denoting membership in the pornography business.

    Advertizing (Advertising) — advertising, advertising.

    Add (Add) — advertising supplement to the page, for example. banners, text links, etc.

    AdultChek (AdultCheck) — now KiberAge (CyberAge), the site provides AVS-service and same sponsor.

    Asia (Asian) — pornokategoriya uniting the residents of Asia (not Turkey, Japan, Thailand, etc.)

    Account (Account) — a record in a database that identifies you as part of any service. Eg. for an account with the provider — means to receive a login and password to login.

    Amateur (Amateur) — pornokategoriya uniting amatures, porn for which there is a profession, beginners.
    Amex, American Express (American Express, AM) — kind of credit cards.

    Angels (Angels) — in porn: high quality, for example. «Angelic whore.»

    Animal (Animal) — sex with animals.
    Anime (Anime) — Japanese erotic drawings in a cartoon style.

    AOL (AOL, America On-Line) — Internet subnet, characterized by a special AOL browser.

    Upload (Upload) — sending data from the local computer to the server, fill the files on the host.

    Appruving (Approving) — approval of anything, the adoption of the work.

    Up-skirt (Up-skirt) — pornokategoriya devoted to peeking under the skirt.

    Amputi (amputee) — niche featuring sex with disabled people (who have amputated body part).

    Babes (Babes) — children, adult women pretending to be children.

    Grandmother — the money.

    Bucks, Bucky (Bucks) — U.S..

    Balls (Balls) — balls, big breasts.

    Bandvich (Bandwidth) — the capacity of the server.

    Ban (Banned) — to impose a ban.

    Bank (Bank) — the financial institution.

    Banner (Banner) — image advertising content, which is a reference to the advertised resource.

    Bar (Bar) — bar the advertising or other information, scrolling text, status bar in your browser.

    Barel legalization (Barely legal) — the lowest possible legal age.

    Baffers (Buffers) — a buffer chest.

    Bashley — money.

    Bashlyat — pay.

    Bestialiti (Bestiality) — bestiality in porn — sex with animals.

    Big Tits (Big tits) — pornokategoriya uniting women with artificially enhanced breasts.

    Bizzaro (Bizzare) — pornokategoriya combining extreme perversion, for example. kaprofagiyu, trupolozhestvo etc.

    Bikini Girls (Bikini Girls) — Girls in bathing suits.

    Billing (Billing) — service charge on credit cards, checks, etc.

    Beach (Bitch) — bitch.

    Beach Babes (Beach babes) — girls on the beach.

    Blind link, blind (Blind link) — «Blind», deceiving surfer link.

    Black (Black) — pornokategoriya dedicated to sex among blacks.

    Bloudzhob (Blowjob ) — pornokategoriya devoted to varieties of oral sex — sucking penis.

    Bodie (Body) — the body.

    Boy (Boy) — boy, boy.

    Borda (Board, BBS) — ehokonferentsiya, electronic bulletin board.

    Bot (Bot) — robot software.

    Bondage (Bondage) — Japanese art of art of binding, a type of sadomasochism.

    Buffet (Adult Buffet) — big TGPs.

    Backdoor (Backdoor) — rear door, a secret entrance to the site, and sometimes — anal sex.

    Babylon, Babylon (Babilon-X) — the sponsor, even paying for clicks.

    Vayer (Wire Transfer) — transfer of money, more often — to the beneficiary.

    Vayf (Wife) — pornokategoriya dedicated to amateur pornography with the participation of married women.

    Warez (Warez) — something forbidden.

    Varningov Page (Warning page) — page with a warning of the presence of the adult information.

    Western Union (Western Union) — office instant transfer of cash.

    Vatersport (Watersport) — pornokategoriya dedicated urinirovaniyu, ie Participants urinate on each other.

    Viagra (Viagra) — a cure for impotence.

    Visa (Visa) — kind of credit cards.

    Virgins (Virgins) — a virgin.

    Webmaster (Wiebmaster) — Russian-language adult-webmaster, law-abiding businesses.

    Voyeurism (voyeurism) — a passion for spying.

    Gallery, the galley (Gallery) — page with several tumbinashkami.

    Gay (Gey) — a homosexual male, «blue».

    Gluck (Gluck) — random malfunction.

    Rob (grabbing) — make copies of images, screen, digitize video.

    Green (Greens) — U.S..

    Shipping — to fill the contents, for example: upload content to the host, to communicate information in a conversation, etc.

    Groups (Group) — sex involving more than two people.

    Down (Down) — inoperable.

    Daunload (Download) — receive information from the server, for example: downloading files, video, etc.

    Dedicated (Dedicated) — selected for independent use.

    Deklinirt (Declenirt) — cancel a credit card.

    Japa, Japan skulgirls (Japan Schoolgirls) — Japanese schoolgirls; pornokategoriya dedicated to women in a Japanese school uniform (in the «Sailor»).

    Dildo (Dildo) — dildo, vibrator.

    Domain (Domen) — section in the network hierarchy addresses.

    Dominant (Dominant) — a sexual partner, which suppresses the other to the status of «slave».

    Doorway (Doorway) — an independent page that contains a link to the main site, is intended to be indexed by search engines.

    Drimviver (Dreemweaver) — HTML-editor, who is considered the most convenient.

    Ezhegrin, hedgehog green (EzGreen) — sponsor, paying for Freestuff Emeyl-pornorassylki.

    Raccoon, Yunot (Ynot) — a major resource for adult webmasters.

    Enter Paige (Enter page) — page, predshestveyuschaya entrance to TOC. Serves to impede nakrutok.

    Ban — prohibit, to the «Black List».

    Pour — copy the files to a remote computer.

    Bestiality (Zoophilia) — morbid craving for sex with animals.

    Ibill (iBill) — known billing processor.

    Illegal (Illegal) — anything that breaks the law. For example: illegal content — any content that does not have documented evidence of confirmed legitimate purchase.

    Index — make a database search engine.

    Collection — a financial term used for, inter alia, receiving a check to cover the (cashing).

    Innotsent (Innocent) — innocent.

    Internik (Internick) — service domain name registration.

    Interrasial (Interracial) — pornokategoriya dedicated to sex between people of different races.

    Incest (Incest) — sex between close relatives, for example, between father and daughter.

    Kaprofiliya (Caprophilia) — morbid attraction to frass of their sexual partner. Extreme form — kaprofagiya — their eating.

    Carder (Carder) — rogue, stealing credit card numbers.

    Carding (Carding) — a serious crime, fraud, credit card numbers of others in order to capture people’s money.

    Cartoon (Cartoon) — pornokategoriya, which includes drawings of cartoon characters having sex.

    Counters (Counter) — Services of counting visitors to your site, do count.

    Keyword (Keyword) — a keyword that describes the contents pages of the site. Necessary for indexing in search engines.

    Keel (from Kill) — deleting, erasing anything. For example: kill your account — to deprive the access code.

    Click (Click) — single click on the link.

    Clickability — a property that characterizes the magnitude of the TEC.

    Clicks prog, Click-Thru (Click-throw programm) — a program of payment for each visitor who came to your site by clicking on the link to the sponsor.

    Klose-up (Close Up) — pornokategoriya combining images genital close-ups.

    Envelopes — «to turn the traffic into money.

    Console (Consol) — «popup» window, a synonym for pop-apa.

    Content (Content) — the contents of the site, its text, photos, etc.

    Conf (Conference) — a bulletin board.

    Kouples (Couples) — pornokategoriya indicating sex together.

    CTE (CTR) — Score CTR advertising inserts, the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of ad impressions.

    Kum (Cum) — sperm.

    Kumshot (Cumshot) — pornokategoriya, combining images with the obligatory presence of semen.

    Kunniling (Cunnyling) — a kind of oral sex, licking vaginas.

    Live Cams (Live cams) — Camcorder, peeper for people in real time.

    Latex (Latex) — pornokategoriya, combining images of women dressed in latex, lacquered leatherette.

    Latina Babes (Latina babes) — pornokategoriya, uniting representatives of Latin America.

    Lega info (Legal info) — documents proving legal age of models, the rights to content, etc.

    Legz Lovere (Legs, Leg Lovers) — pornokategoriya, combining images with the obligatory presence of naked feet.

    Leather (Leather) — pornokategoriya, combining images of women dressed in leather.

    Lesbian (Lesbi) — gomoseksualistki women, lesbians.

    Link website (Link-site) — a site which is a large collection of links to other sites, divided into categories.

    List (from list) — make the list.

    Lolipop (Lollipop) — candy, a legal substitute the word «Lolita.»

    Lolita (Lolita) — in the pornography business — a teenage girl as a sex object.

    Lolitny TOP — TOP, containing references to the CP-site or having the CP descriptions of sites.

    Masochism (Masohism) — getting pleasure from the suffering caused by sexual partner.

    Manga (Manga) — a style of Japanese erotic drawings.

    Matura (Mature) — pornokategoriya uniting middle-aged women.

    Mainstream (Mainstream) — literally «main stream», ie sites are the most common focus: teen, hardcore, ets …

    Merchant Accounts (Merchant Account) — the current account.

    Message of, messaga (Message) — message ehokonferentsii.

    Military girls (Military Girls) — women in military uniform.

    Wash traf — drop out of the total traffic paying visitors.

    Cheat — to change the position of a site in the rankings by artificial Topa generate clicks.

    Niche (Niche) — synonymous with «pornokategoriya» in general — the narrow sphere of interest or activity.

    But recips (No recip) — does not require reciprocal links.

    Nudism, naturism (Nudizm) — the movement for unity with nature, expressed in walking naked.

    Old Lady (Old ladys) — pornokategoriya combining older women.

    Oral (Oral) — pornokateroriya, including sex with his mouth.

    Orgy (Orgy) — pornokateroriya, including sex with multiple partners.

    Oriental (Oriental) — pornokategoriya uniting women from the East.

    Public nudit (Public nudity) — pornokateroriya, including in public nudity.

    Paga (Page) — page of the site.

    Partnership (Partnership) — a program to pay for a subscription (saynapy).

    Passvord site (Password site) — a site containing the stolen passwords to password-protected sites.

    Pedophilia (Paedophilia) — morbid craving for sex with children. Felony.

    Perverted (Perverted) — a perversion.

    Persian Kitty (Persian Kitty) — a major link-list.

    Pikpost (Picpost) — the site takes you to a picture with a backward link to your website.

    Peep show (Peep show) — Pay for peeping naked women.

    Pissing (Pissing) — pornokateroriya, including images uriniruyuschih women.

    Paysite (Pay site) — Password protected website with paid entrance.

    Subscribe (Sign-up) — pay for access to any services, for example. receive a password to pass to a paid site.

    Pop-Up (Pop-up) — added «popup» browser window, most often of small size and advertising information.

    Pornomylo (Porn Email) — Free email with links to pornoresursy.

    Pornstars (Pornstars) — pornokategoriya uniting porn stars, porn actress big fame.

    Posting (Posting) — sending a message to the supply of galleys, and so on.

    Pregnant (Pregnant) — pornokategoriya involving sex with pregnant women.

    Pretin (preteen) — not reached the age of 18.

    Leach (Rape) — rape.

    Ratio, rational (Ratio) — a synonym for the TEC.

    Rebill (Rebilling) — subscription renewal for a paid service for the next term.

    Regit — register, get an account.

    Rating (Rating) — site position in the TOP.

    Referee, the referrer (Referrer) — id coded webmasters, allowing to determine who sent the visitor to the site.

    Referral prog (Referral programm) — a program to attract new members (webmasters).

    Recips (Recip) — backlinks.

    Rotation (Rotation) — displaying advertising banners in random order.

    Row-click (Click Raw) — a non-unique bid.

    Sabmitting (Submitting) — send data about your resource, for example. in the TGP.

    Sabmittilka, sabmite prog — program to automate the process sabmittinga.

    Sadism (Sadysm) — getting pleasure from causing suffering sexual partner.

    Saynap, Sain, signap (Sign-up) — design of a paid subscription to any service, for example. receive a password to access the pay site.

    Site (Site) — a set of pages, united by a common address in the Internet and general content.

    Swingers (Swingers) — married couples who practice sharing wives for sex.

    Celebrity, tselebsy (Celebrity) — pornokategoriya uniting pornofotografii famous personalities, for example. actresses, athletes, etc.

    Surfer (Serfer) — visitor sites.

    Serchevik, SE, iskalka (Search Engine) — search service site in the pre-indexed database by keyword.

    CJ (CJ) — the site that looks like normal, but in fact consists only of the «blind» links.

    Scan (Scan) — a scanned image.

    Script (Script) — a program that processes data on a server for your browser.

    Skulgirls (Schoolgirls) — pornokategoriya combining adult women who look as if they were schoolgirls.

    Softkor (Softcore) — pornoanalog home of «erotica».

    Spam (Spam) — imposed on any information you need, usually advertising.

    Sponsor (Sponsor) — The advertiser, the owner of the paysite.

    Wed (Child Porno) — pictures of sex with children under 18. Felony.

    SRshnik — webmaster, creating a CP-sites or sites with CP other links.

    Dachshund ID (Tax ID) — Social Security Number in the U.S..

    Twins (Twins) — pornokategoriya dedicated to sex with or between twins.

    TGP (TGP, Thumbnail Gallery Post) — the site that gives links to your gallery, the source of cores.

    Termsy and rulezy (Terms & Rules) — terms and conditions.

    Testimonials (Testimonials) — Recommendations grateful predecessors.

    Tin (Teen) — pornokategoriya uniting girls of 18 to 20 years approximately.

    Toys (Toys) — pronokategoriya combining sex with «toys» — a variety of subjects.

    TOP (Top) — site visits to leading counted on the list of sites and lining up sites by popularity.

    Topless (Topless) — girl, naked from the waist up.

    Trances (Transsexyal) — a man posing as a representative of the opposite sex.

    Traffic (Trafic) — flow of visitors.

    Tumbinashki, pedestals (Thumbnails) — thumbnails of images that serve to preview.

    Unico (Unic) — clicks made a new (unique) visitors, the first time in a while.

    Uniforms (Uniform) — pornokategoriya uniting women in any uniform, for example. military, sports, etc.

    URL (URL) — network address of the page or site.

    Fetish (Fetish) — pornokategoriya combining high predilection for the subjects of sexual partner’s outfit. In the general case — the deification of anything (the body, elements of conduct, etc.).

    Fisting (Fisting) — zasovyvanie hands or objects into the anal and vaginal openings.

    Flame (Flame) — guff or swearing in ehokonferentsii.

    Fraud (Fraud) — Fraud, usually with a credit card.

    Fries (Free) — free.

    Frishnik (Free-site) — a free site is usually small.

    Frontal nudit (Frontal nudity) — fully nude.

    Frontpag (FrontPage) — HTML-editor.

    Feysials (Facials) — pornokategoriya combining images ejaculation on face.

    Hardcore (Hardcore) — analog home of «hardcore».

    Han (The Hun) — owner of the famous TGP.

    Hentai (Hentai) — a style of Japanese pornographic picture.

    Hidden Camera (Hidden Camera) — «hidden» camera.

    Host (Host) — a place on the server site.

    Hoster (Hoster) — owner of the host that provides hosting services.

    Hosting (Hosting) — a service to post your site on another server.

    Hit (Hit) — Request a browser from a server one element of a page, for example. one photo.

    Chardzhebek (Chargeback) — taking the subscriber paid for the service of money back.

    Cheque (Check) — a payment tool that will help the sponsor to forward you the money.

    Chirliders (Cheerleaders) — pornokategoriya uniting pornofotografii «girls from the support group events.

    Cheater (Cheater) — liar.

    Chitit — cheating business partner.

    Shaved (Shaved) — pornokategoriya that combines pictures of girls with shaved crotch

    Sheyvit (Shaving) — «shave» the statistics understate the amount of traffic deception payable.

    Shimeyls (Shemales) — pornokategoriya uniting the alleged «bisexual» people.

    Ebony (Ebony) — pornokategoriya, uniting women of color.

    Exit traffic (Exit-Trafic) — visitors who leave your site.

    Elite (Elite) — high quality, luxury.

    Niches in the adult industry


    Amateur — beginners, non-professional models.
    Anal Sex — anal sex.
    Anime — Japanese erotic drawings in cartoon style
    Asian — Asian representatives.

    Babes — beauty with a curvaceous, usually mature. Staged studio photography and lighting, the quality of the materials of the cover.
    Black (Ebony) — Representatives of the Negroid race.
    Blowjob — see Oral sex.

    Cartoon — Pictures cartoon characters having sex
    Celebs (Celebrities) — celebrities.
    Close ups — close-up images of genitals.
    Couples — pornokategoriya indicating sex together
    Cum shots — scenes of creamy partner (Bukkake — group ejaculation).

    Foursome — see Group sex.
    Facial — images ejaculation on face

    Ebony — see Black.
    Erotic — sm.Softcore
    Ethnic — based on nationality (such as Russia, India, Syria, Turkey).

    Gang Bang — see Group sex.
    Group Sex — Group Sex. Distinguish «Gang Bang» — many men (three or above) and one woman (if two women, the number of men doubles); «Threesome» — a combination of two to one (as the two men to one woman, and vice versa); » Foursome «- suitability, three to one. Also meets FFM (female + female + male), MMF, FFMM, FFFM.
    Glamour — highly artistic and highly professional photography, accented by the beauty, perfection and aesthetics of the female body.

    Hardcore — analog home of «hardcore».

    Hentai — Japanese style pornographic picture
    Interracial — sex between people of different races.

    Latin — representatives of Latin American, Spanish and Italian-speaking countries.
    Lesbians — lesbians.

    Masturbation — masturbation.

    Manga — Japanese style erotic drawing
    Nudism — rest in the nude.

    Oral Sex (Blowjob) — oral sex.

    Porn Stars — Porn Stars.
    Public Nudity — full or partial nudity in public places (Exhibitionsim — demonstration of nudity and sexual organs in public; Flashing — brief demonstration of the external sexual characteristics; Party girls — all kinds of competitions and entertainment activities).

    Softcore — featuring a lack of explicit sex scenes.
    Swingers — exchange of partners between married couples

    Teens — Tina (young people, teenagers).
    Threesome — see Group sex.
    Virgins — virgins
    Wifes — section devoted to amateur pornography involving
    married women

    Fetish :

    Ass — Butts — Big Ass, just a beautiful ass
    BBW (Big Beautiful Women) — from the slightly chubby beauties to zhirnyuschih women.
    BDSM — this is bondage, and domination, and submission, and sadism, and masochism (either individually, or combinations thereof).
    Bisexuality — Bisexual
    Boobs — sm.Tits, Breasts
    Big tits — JUMEIRAH BEACH RESIDENCE keep the category of women with large breasts
    Bikini — girls in bathing suits.
    Bizarre — the extreme stage of perversion (shiting, caprofagy, zoo).
    Blondes — blonde.
    Art body (tatooing, piercing) — proper tattooing and piercing.
    Bondage — Japanese art of art of binding, a type of sadomasochism
    Breasts (Tits) — breasts large and small, silicone and natural, and nipples (Nipples).
    Brunettes — brunette.
    Bukkake — japanese sex grupovoy

    Cheerleaders — pornofotografii «girls from the support group events.
    CFMN — (Clothed female nude Male) — naked men dressed women masturbates on or strippers

    Feet (Foot) — a fetish, the object of which is the lower part of leg (foot, toes, calf), sub-categories: boots, kneehigh boots, thighhigh boots, high heels
    FAT — sm.BBW
    Fingering — sm.fisting
    Fem DOM (Female domination) — the domination of women.
    Fisting — zasovyvanie hands on the genitals. Distinguish between vaginal and anal fisting (anal fisting can be a gay)
    Foot — see Feet.

    Hidden Camera — «hidden» camera
    Large Ladies — sm.BBW
    Leather — images of women dressed in leather
    Masohism, sadism — the pleasure of the suffering caused by sexual partner
    MILF, moms — middle-aged woman 35-45, Momma
    Novells-Stories — stories stories short stories pornographic or erotic
    Peep show — paid for peeping naked woman
    Pissing — sm.watersport, sm.peeing
    Spycam — Hidden camera
    Twins — see twinks
    Topless — a girl without a bra
    Gothic — advanced fetish art

    Incest — sexual relations between close relatives (incest).
    Infantilism — men and women who pretend to be children.

    Hairy — women with lush on the genitals and unshaved places under the shoulder fold (armpit).

    Lactation — Lactation (breastfeeding and everything connected with it).
    Latex (Rubber) — Latex fetish clothing in rubber.
    Legs — a passion for women’s feet. Fetish, adjacent to the foot-fetish.
    Lingerie — Underwear. This niche church are kolgotochny Fetish (Pantyhose), Stocking Fetish (Stockings), a fetish for women’s panties (Panty) and a passion for everything that is made of nelona (Nylon).

    Mature — middle-aged women.
    Midgets — dwarfs.

    Nipples — see Breasts.
    Nylon — see Lingerie.

    Older — mature ladies.

    Panty — see Lingerie.
    Pantyhose — see Lingerie.
    Peeing — see Water Sports.
    Petite — miniature women.
    Phone Sex -satisfaction seksalnyh fantasies through phone calls
    Pregnant — Pregnant women.

    Red Heads — redheads.
    Rubber — See Latex.

    Sex Toys — sex toys. Dildo, vibrators, etc.
    Shaved — shaved genitals.
    Smoking — smokers.
    Smothering — a scene with choking, shortness of breath.
    Spanking — whipping the ass.
    Stockings — see Lingerie.
    Strapon — sex with a member of the Artificial.

    Tits — see the Breasts.
    Trampling — trampling feet podnisha Foot and Femdom time

    Ugly — ugly, even more ugly.
    Upskirts — probably something like «Upskirt» …
    Uniforms — various uniforms (medical, military, sports, etc.).

    Voyeur — a passion for spying.

    Water Sports (Peeing, Golden Shower, Golden Rain) — pissing women.
    Waxing — the wax dripping on the tortured (podnisha Femdom)

    Men (Gay):

    Amateur — beginners, non-professional male models.
    Asian — Asian representatives.

    BDSM — this is bondage, and domination, and submission, and sadism, and masochism (either individually, or combinations thereof).
    Bears — Men with increased hairiness.
    Bizarre — the extreme stage of perversion (shiting, caprofagy, zoo).
    Black — Blacks.
    Builders body — muscular gay inflated.

    Celebrities — see Celebs.
    Celebs (Celebrities) — celebrities.

    Ethnic — based on nationality (such as Russia, India, Syria, Turkey).

    Hardcore — analog home of «hardcore».
    Hunks — gay men in good physical shape.

    Interracial — sex between men of different races.

    Latin — the representatives of Latin American, Spanish and Italian-speaking countries.
    Leather — a fetish for clothing and leather accessories.

    Older — older men.

    Porn Stars — Porn Stars.

    Shemales — see Transsexuals.
    Softcore — featuring a lack of explicit sex scenes.

    Teens — Tina (young people, teenagers).
    Transsexuals (Shemales, Tranny) — transsexuals. People are partly or completely change their gender to the opposite.
    Transvestites — Transvestite. It’s just a man receiving sexual gratification from dressing in clothing of the opposite sex.
    Tranny — see Transsexuals.
    Twinks — Gay teenagers.

    Uniforms — various uniforms (military, sports, etc.).

    Ilegal (irregular niches, punishable):

    Animal — sex with animals
    Bestiality — bestiality in porn — sex with animals.
    Wed (Child Porno) — pictures of sex with children under 18.
    Incest — sex between close relatives
    Lolita — a teenage girl as a sex object
    Perverted — perversion
    Preteen — under 18
    Rape — rape

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